Only two months ago I became brave enough to attempt to grow tomatoes. We were given the Topsy Turvy to grow a new plant. It was taking longer than I could stand waiting so I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. Although I did my research and followed the rules....one day my daughter's and I were walking through Home Depot yes don't we all love it there! Anyhow, we spotted a hanging basket with tomatoes, bell peppers and assorted herbs. The girls insisted I get it because this one already had veggies growing so I would be quickly rewarded with ripe produce right? My girls know their mommy well! I bought it and hung it on the back of our house and have been caring for it since. It has given me 7 ripe tomatoes in only a few weeks and we have enjoyed eating them. The Parsley has been used regularly and is growing beautifully.
Here are the red bell peppers

In addition to that planter I bought a small Basil plant and have nurtured it too. Lucky for me they require less attention. I have eaten quite a bit of that plant too.

It is extremely beneficial to grow your own food! You know what is happening to it, how it is growing, what you are adding to it, the environment it is in etc. You pick it when it is fully developed and ripened for delicious taste. My daughters love flowers which we have too, but I prefer edible plants because they provide us with nourishment. I have more recently expanded my inventory with a banana pepper plant and Japanese eggplant. More to come....
Banana Peppers

Japanese Eggplant

I am currently working on designing a garden box. Something to keep close to the house that I can maintain even better and protect when needed. I will update as we build and complete the project. Very excited!
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